How to plan for sunset wedding photos and videos

We've all seen them, those gorgeous sunset wedding photos and videos bathed in golden light. These are the sunset wedding goodness you're slightly obsessed with that you've looked at a million times and added to your Instagram saves. One shot shows a lovely couple standing in front of a dramatic setting sun, and another with them walking towards an alluring orange sky. You fell in love with these wedding photos and videos and now want your own. Is possible on your own wedding day? Of course! I’m a huge fan of incorporating a sunset session into your wedding!

First, let's set your expectations. If it happens to be rainy or cloudy on your wedding day, accept that your version of sunset photos might not look like how you imagine. That's okay! You're still marrying your best friend and we’re still going to have a blast. Your photos and videos are just an add-on to one of the happiest days of your life.

Now that we've established that, let's start planning how to get the sunset photos of your dreams.

Photo credit: Matt Ashton Photography

Can I get sunset wedding photos and videos any time of the year?

            The short answer is yes! We're assuming you've chosen vendors you vibe with and trust completely. Now all you have to do is to put some thought into the timing of your wedding to get those sunset bangers you've been dreaming of since the day you got engaged.

If you're getting married in the summer, you'll probably need to set aside 10 to 15 minutes of time during the reception (you may need to stop yourself from digging into your delicious canapes) to snap some quick sunset shots outside. 

Plan it so that your sunset session happens while guests are busy eating and not when your due to enter your reception. Warmer months have beautiful light at the end of the day, so you'll want to make the most out of taking photos during this time.

During winter, sunset photos will fit perfectly into the typical time slot for portrait and bridal party photos (not long after the wedding ceremony). This sunset session will happen before you head over to your wedding reception. Cooler months, around mid-March to mid-October, can give you some beautiful light during the day, so if sunset photos are a priority, keep these months in mind.

What time should I get married to get sunset photos and videos?

            The much-desired "golden hour," as people often call that magical time, happens for 45 to 60 minutes before and during sunset. This time is when you get that perfect light that makes sunset wedding photos look soft and dreamy with that perfect glow.

            Your timing will also depend on which photos you want to be taken during sunset. If your wedding is outdoors, do you want to have sunset photos of the wedding ceremony while it's happening? Or is it more important to travel a short distance to a scenic spot?

            Plan your day based on which photos and videos you want to take during sunset. Also, start your ceremony earlier than you think you should, if you don’t want dark evening photos instead of sunset photos. Starting the ceremony slightly earlier gives you the option to have both ceremony photos and bridal party photos taken during sunset. Don’t start your wedding too late or you’ll end up missing sunset altogether.

Quick sunset wedding photo and video tips:

            Here's a hot tip to keep in mind: Sunset times change daily (of course), and Daylight Savings can also confuse the best of us. What should you do? 

            Simply Google "average sunset time" for each month of the year to get an idea of what time your sunset wedding photos should take place. For example, in January, sunset is at about 8:13 pm. In March, it's about 7:35 pm. This simple exercise will save you from a lot of guesswork. You're welcome!

            When you are set on sunset photos (pun intended), you might as well go all out and plan your wedding day with these shots as one of your priorities. Make sure to include your dream sunset wedding photos into your run sheet to ensure no one forgets about them (this happens to the best people) and so you won't feel rushed during your wedding day.

If sunset wedding photos and videos are part of your dream wedding, go for it and make them happen! Set them as a priority on your wedding day. Years from now, you'll want to flip through your wedding film and look back happily on that day, not think, "I wish we took extra time for those sunset photos." With a little planning, you’ll have your own sunset wedding photos you’ll love forever.       


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